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12-10: The Claw

This was one of our paid for templates in the past, it has since been made available free. Enjoy! “No… No… don’t hurt me!” shouted Google as 300 Nukers pounced with The Claw… OK I promise to take the medication in future… but welcome to: There are two versions of this template, the one above with Pinger projects and another one for those who have got an xIndexer subscription. Profiles: 1..2..or 3 (see explanation) Time to run: 5-9 days Links per project: 1, except for bookmarks where you can keep it at 3. (Turbo wizard users have no options here) Article Builder ratio: 15 Editing Required: Preferable OK so firstly yes if you really want you can just run this through the Turbo Wizard and be done with it… BUT you will be missing out if you do that. If you do use that method then run it with 1 profile only, there would be limited point running it with more, 2 at an absolute push if you really want. However much better than you either go through the Wizard properly OR after the Turbo Wizard completes you make these changes. Running with 2 Profiles (Best performance to Captcha use ratio):

  1. Open each SN that starts with an A and restrict it to only using Accounts Profile 1
  2. Open each SN that starts with a B or C and restrict them to Accounts Profile 2
  3. Open the two T3 SN and add in a link to the money site

Running with 3 Profiles

  1. Open each SN that starts with an A and restrict it to only using Accounts Profile 1
  2. Open each SN that starts with an B and restrict it to only using Accounts Profile 2
  3. Open each SN that starts with an C and restrict it to only using Accounts Profile 3
  4. Open the two T3 SN and add in a link to the money site

For those new to SEnuke XCr that may sound confusing, so watch the video below the download button. To our regulars that will all make perfect sense already! That’s all, pretty simple edits but they will transform the linking. You while you have the SN’s open you may also like to check the anchors are going to be ok, as per our usual guide.

Any problems jump on to our forum to ask.


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