Blog Networks
Blog Networks were the method back in 2011, they became SO powerful that we just knew they were going to be cracked down upon (in fact we even warned everybody about this month before it happened). However the truth is like everything to do with IM nothing actually changed. Several of the larger networks got zapped, but blog networks in general have continued to be one of the best ranking methods there are.
For those who don’t know a blog network is simply a collection of sites that you can post too, typically consisting of sites with some pagerank. You generally post articles to the network that contain content relevant to your niche and a contextual link to a site you are promoting. Oh and did I mention they can be insanely powerful!
You can use a blog network as both a complement to your Nuking and as something to Nuke against. When you Nuke your own blog network you are effectively running the ‘Blueprint To Success’ strategy, because you are promoting pages that then link to your Money Site. This can be highly effective, not least because you can ensure all those pages are do-follow!
There are effectively two types of blog network.
Private Networks:
This can either be on you setup yourself and is only for your personal use, or you can of course invite other people to join in your network but only those people you tell about it will know of its existence. These have the advantage that you have complete and total control of all the links, sites, content etc. However it will be up to you to create all the sites in the network, you will need to supply all the domains, hosting etc. This can soon add up when we are talking about networks with 50+ sites in them, however that’s the price we must pay for such control.
Public Network:
These publicly advertised can be joined by anybody who successfully applies for membership. Each network will have its only set of requirements, such as only PR2+ blogs, or unique IPs for all blogs. The advantage of course is that you can join a network with 200 sites and yet only have 1-2 sites yourself. You get to post of every site in the network, the actual posting ability will vary depending upon the networks, and of course other people get to post to your sites. There are a few added risks here, because of course the network is open to other people and thus open to abuse from them. This however it where a good blog network control system comes in to play, it allows the network owners to control access, setup proper standards for content submission or site relevancy.
Generally speaking products fit in to one or the other of the above, not both. We are big fans of Private Networks because we love the level of control they give us, but equally we fully understand how diverse a public network can be and its that diversity which creates much of its power. In fact one of the first products we took a look at was Fat Steves Blog Series, and if you want to create a private network or one thats white labelled so you can easily sell access to it then his product is truly excellent. The sales page does not do the product any justice, so it would be well worth getting him on a private message and discussing your needs.
However we wanted to use a system that would offer everybody everything above, and also offer some future proof protection in that it can remove links if needed. Now if you do things right, keep your networks sensibly sized with decent content you are not going to have a problem, but it’s nice to know you can easily kill the links if needed. The product we will be using to power our own network and in all our examples of how to create you own is the Fightback Network, because put simply they offer everything you and I need to get the job done, with the added bonus that they are not charging the earth for access, in particular they have a $20 package for those who just want in on the existing networks or to join our network. The main different between the plans is that the standard plan only allows you to join existing networks, such as the ones included with Fightback or any private ones you are invited to. The Pro plan gives you the added ability to create and manage your own networks, so if you have a unique requirement such as all links coming from the UK then this would be a great option for you. For the majority of people however the standard plan will be enough, if fully utilised even the standard plan can do 600 posts a month. Remember that these are posts on sites with a relatively high PR and the links are contextual.
Fightback have a several good, and in some cases unique, special features:
- Link Purging: If for any reason things go wrong, and there is no reason for this but its great we have the option, you can kill either individual links from the system or pull your links entirely.
- Quality Control: Every post goes through a quality control process, initially automated to check for people using UNICODE or giberish articles and if it passes this it gets a human review. While we are not saying the networks will be filled with entirely 100% perfect prose it goes a long way to keeping things ordered, with zero input from you
- Link Isolation: You can only post a link on a network you are on, that is you can’t earn credits for posting on one network and spend them on another. Thus if you want to be in on the PR3+ network you are going to have to join that network.
- Automated Content: I am not honestly sure quite how they make this content, and perhaps it is best I don’t know. However you can input your keywords and the system will generate you the content.
Now lastly before we crack on please be aware that if you are creating your own private network this is a long term strategy, think 6months+ here. Joining in with one of the existing networks is going to speed things up a little bit considerably though.
One point is we are not going to cover here the specifics of actually using Fightback Networks, they have their own user guide which actually covers everything quite well, and a good support system too should it be needed.
All of this section is free, with the exception of ‘Using Your Network in SEnuke’.
- How To Find High PR Domains
- Hosting Your Blog Network
- Configuring Your Site
- Site Management
- Getting Content
- Promoting Your Network
- Using Your Network In SEnuke
- Extras – Additional Links & Making Money
- Blog Network Forum
- Join The Zont SEO Network