Spin Rewriter 7.0 Is Here

It has been a long time coming but at last it is finally here. Spin Rewriter 7.0 has finally been launched. I was considering writing about all the extra features and upgrades that Aaron has built into 7.0 but to be honest it is far quick to let him explain it all in a video he has made.
As you know Spin Rewriter is our preferred weapon of choice when it comes to auto spinning. It now integrates nicely with SEnuke TNG and also Kontent Machine which we also couldn’t live without.
Anyway, take a look at the video and you will see all of the new upgrades that are built into the new software. Just for information if you take up on the Yearly sub then Aaron is throwing in some awesome freebies.
As usual any questions regarding using Spin Rewriter with SEnuke then drop us a support ticket or get in touch through our forum and we will do our best to help you out.